(Reuters) – LONDON, June 29 (Reuters) – The government announced that the quantity of free UK carbon permits that each aircraft operator will receive from 2021 to 2025 under the country’s domestic emissions trading scheme (ETS) has been revealed. The ETS is a system that penalizes power plants and other industrial entities for each tonne of CO2 they produce. After the United Kingdom left the European Union, it established its own market to replace the ETS. The ETS in the United Kingdom covers energy-intensive sectors, electricity generation, and aviation. Some facilities and aircraft operators will be eligible for free emissions permits under the system, which will lessen the danger of enterprises moving their operations to other nations owing to rising climate costs. Following administrator approvals, free permits for the 2021 scheme year will be given to operators with accounts in the UK ETS register in the coming weeks, according to the government. Nina Chestney contributed reporting, and Louise Heavens edited the piece. The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles are our standards. Continue reading