Bill Keen is the Founder and CEO of Keen Wealth Advisors and the Best-Selling Author of Keen on Retirement.

If you’ve started planning for retirement, I know you’ll agree when I say it requires extensive planning. There are discussions around tax strategies, transferring wealth, saving money, investment allocation — it’s like working on a giant puzzle that is unique to each person.

All of this important work is done so that one day, you can spend the money you’ve saved and acquired through investments. You know, the actual enjoyment part of retirement. Devising a spending plan with pending retirees is one of the most enjoyable parts of my job. It’s so fun to watch people enjoy their reward after a lifetime of financial responsibility.

Discussing retirement spending with my clients is also empowering, because it’s within their control, unlike other elements of retirement (like what the market does or taxation policies).

What’s interesting is that many people struggle to actually pull this lever. It makes sense: Spending requires a mindset shift. For decades, it’s been about saving and accumulating. Then, one day, the switch flips, and your life becomes about the opposite: spending, not saving. You’ve wound up this beautiful ball of yarn, and now, it’s time to start unspooling it.

My message to you in this article is a simple one: Don’t be afraid to create the life you want during retirement. This is what you’re working so hard toward. If frugality is your default setting now, that doesn’t mean your retirement can’t be marked by extravagance. As you think about what your retirement spending might look like, here are a few factors to consider.


Enjoy It Now Or Pass It Down?

The asset base for your typical financial plan would ideally be set up to allow you to have more money in the later years of your life. Some folks want part of their legacy to be providing for future generations by passing down a large part of that wealth after they die. Others like to gift money now, and if that’s more than $15,000 per person per year (at which point you have to track against the gift tax exclusion), you’ll want to work with your advisor to adjust the plan accordingly.

Some people take the opposite approach: They use that money to create memories with their families now while they’re still alive to enjoy it. I have a client who spends $100,000 every two years to take his entire family — over 20 people — on an all-expenses-paid cruise. Knowing that, we planned well in advance to ensure he had the funds he needed for those trips.

Both approaches are beautiful and worthwhile. You can even do a mix of both. It’s all about personal preference: enjoying your money now or passing it down to future generations.

Retirement Spending Isn’t A Straight Line

Your spending will increase in retirement to keep pace with inflation. But keep in mind it will also fluctuate based on the phase of retirement you’re in. Assuming you’re in good health when you retire, you’ll probably see a surge in spending during what I call the “go-go years.” These are the 10 to 15 years after you retire when you’re doing things like taking your entire family on cruises. It’s often marked by travel and other expensive hobbies.

Spending will likely slow down in your “slow-go years” as you dial back the activity, and reach its lowest level during your “no-go years” when you’re spending more time at home.

I bring this up because as you’re building a spending plan, it will likely be based on this kind of trajectory for your life, meaning spending will be dialed back as the decades progress. Advisors can help you create the plan, but ultimately, it’s your responsibility to own your part in your plan. This is your money, after all, meaning you can do with it what you want. But if your plan is to pull back on the reins, it’s important not to forget that part, lest you run out of money.

At the same time, don’t be afraid of spending the money that you set aside. That’s exactly why you put together a spending plan — to help accommodate the lifestyle you want. As you put together that plan, just remember that your spending won’t increase in a straight line.

The Basics Of Your Spending Plan

One question you might be wondering is: How much money will I need each month during my retirement? Here’s a quick rule of thumb I like to use. Assuming you’re not deep in debt, how much money are you clearing each month on your paycheck? Yes, you might make $10,000 per month, but what hits the bank account each month is probably closer to $6,000.

Unless you plan on significantly changing your lifestyle, $6,000 per month is a good starting point for what you’ll need during your retirement (you can factor in a spouse’s income here, too).

Here’s another question to consider: What exactly are you spending money on? This is a question I love to ask young people when they tell me they don’t have any money left over to start saving. For 90 days, track every penny of your spending. Since most spending is done electronically (through apps or on a card), it’s as simple as checking your statements.

As you approach retirement, this exercise isn’t about teaching a lesson, but rather establishing your “needs” and “wants” so the plan you create can address each. Again, remove any shame you might feel around naming your wants. I had a client who wanted $1,000 per month for their wine budget because they were wine aficionados. They also wanted $25,000 per year for their travel budget. So, what did we do? We created a plan that allowed for both.

Don’t be afraid of your retirement spending plan. Embrace the process, and articulate what you want your life to look like. You’ve earned this opportunity, so have fun with it.

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

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