9th July 2021, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
OpenOcean, a pioneering DeFi & CeFi full aggregator that offers interoperability across many networks, is pleased to announce the aggregation of Polygon in order to broaden its trading universe and provide customers with the best prices and lowest slippage.
The community affected the decision to aggregate Polygon. When OpenOcean asked its members which network they wanted to see aggregated next, Polygon received considerably more votes than any other network, with 48.7% of the 44K+ votes.
“We have learned that our DeFi customers and traders have a strong preference for us to aggregate more open and powerful Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks that deliver cheaper and faster transactions,” OpenOcean co-founder Cindy said of Polygon aggregation.
Polygon is a protocol and architecture that addresses Ethereum’s intrinsic flaws, such as poor speeds and excessive gas fees, while maintaining security.
The aggregation protocol developed by OpenOcean sources liquidity and optimizes trading on DeFi and CeFi across key public blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, TRON, Solana, and others.
Traders will be able to use OpenOcean’s one-stop trading platform to get liquidity from Polygon exchanges and trade assets at the best rates and with the least amount of slippage after the aggregation.
To encourage users to transact on Polygon, OpenOcean plans to facilitate trade mining. It will give away 100,000 of its native OOE tokens to users that transact on Polygon through OpenOcean in the next two weeks.
OpenOcean will deliver cross-chain aggregations in the coming weeks, allowing users to trade and transfer assets across many chains and pairs. Bridges and cross-chain protocols, such as Matic Bridge V2, allow assets to be transferred across multiple public chains.
OpenOcean Information
OpenOcean is the world’s leading full aggregator, acting as a link between the currently fragmented DeFi and CeFi markets’ isolated islands. It uses a highly efficient intelligent routing system to locate the best pricing, no additional costs, and the least slippage for traders on pooled CeFi and DeFi. Users can also use the platform’s API and arbitrage tools to automate arbitrage transactions.
OpenOcean will continue to aggregate derivative, yield, loan, and insurance products, as well as offer its own combination margin products and intelligent wealth management service, in addition to swaps.
Visit https://blog.openocean.finance/ for additional details.
contact@openocean.finance for media inquiries
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Polygon Information
Polygon is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain network building and connecting protocol and architecture. It’s the first platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development that’s well-structured and simple to use. Polygon SDK, the company’s main component, is a modular and flexible platform for creating and connecting Secured Chains like Plasma, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium, and Standalone Chains like Polygon POS.
With 400+ Dapps, 350M transactions, and 1.5M+ unique users, Polygon’s scaling solutions have experienced significant acceptance.
Keep an eye out for updates on our website, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and Telegram accounts.
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