The platform exclusively lists and shows EVM and smart contract chains built atop the Shimmer blockchain.
Shimmer network’s bridgeless asset transfers, composability, feeless transfers, etc. make it an ideal choice for Tanglechains.

The IOTA Foundation has continued to expand its market footprint with new initiatives such as the launch of the Shimmer network. However, the IOTA community has been eagerly looking forward to the launch of ShimmerEVM along with the launch of IOTA 2.0 in the latter half of the year.

On the other hand, new players within the ecosystem continue to build new stuff for Shimmer and IOTA. is one such interesting new platform from SPYCE.5 that exclusively lists and shows EVM and smart contracts chains built atop the Shimmer blockchain.

It serves as an easy-to-use platform for developers to showcase their projects as well as connect with other developers within the Shimmer ecosystem. As we know, the Shimmer network is a high-performance, feeless, and scalable DAG-based ledger which serves as a testnet for the IOTA ecosystem. Unlike other blockchain networks, the good thing about Shimmer is that it can handle transactions in parallel. is a Shimmer-dedicated platform due to its unique characteristics and advantage for developers. The official announcement from SPYCE.5 notes:

Why A Shimmer-Dedicated Platform?

Over the last year, there have been several hacks with other blockchain ecosystems due to faulty implementation of bridges leading to the loss of several hundred million dollars.

The IOTA team has designed the Shimmer network in such a way that it allows bridgeless asset transfers and composability without relying on any untrusted relays and bridges. Every chain listed with Tanglechains will be able to exchange tokens and digital assets natively with other chains present on the Shimmer network.

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Thus, it will make it extremely easy for developers to create decentralized applications that are more secure, faster, and more easily accessible than ever before. will make it extremely easy to find chain partners, interact with them natively, and create a streamlined customer experience. The other key benefits involve:

Bridgeless Connections: Chains on Shimmer won’t require any third-party bridges to exchange digital assets. This would ultimately simplify the development and deployment processes by eliminating any kind of complexity and extra costs.
Feeless L1: It will be extremely easy to transfer assets frictionlessly between chains along with no transaction fees.
No MEV: Unlike other chains such as Ethereum or Fantom, the Shimmer network uses a transaction order consensus which prevents any kind of front-running of sandwich attacks, thus leading to a “fairer” DeFi.
Scalability: Shimmer’s DAG-based design allows the network to scale along with the growth of the ecosystem by going multi-chain. It also allows for more capacity and increased adoption.
Customizations: The Shimmer network offers customizations for governance and network parameters. Thus, developers get greater control over how their smart contract chain operates or interacts.

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