Almost 8.9% of the world’s population doesn’t have food on the table according to a report from the United Nations, and they are waiting for someone to help them.

Food For Life is a completely non-profit organization that operates in more than 60 countries. Their main goal is to promote global peace and development through the liberal distribution of pure, plant-based meals prepared with loving intention. This organization provides up to two million free meals daily to people in need.

Food for Life Global takes donations in both regular currency and cryptocurrency. So why donate with cryptocurrency?

You don’t have to pay any taxes for your donation. Unlike previous methods of donating, most of your cryptocurrency payment will go to paying your donation, not a capital gains tax.

This makes Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies a very efficient way to support your preferred charity.

Food for Life Global accepts most of the widely used cryptos: Bitcoin, Etherum, Litecoin, ZCash, Gemini Dollar, Chainlink, Dai, etc. You can learn more about how to donate with cryptocurrency at

Butter and Milk Token dedicated tokens for Charity partnering with FFL

The Butter Token is a token that may be used for staking, charity, or deflation. Milk holders can win Butter by staking their Milk in the Butter Contract with the “Butter Churn”. Then charity fees are paid for each Butter sale, and Butter token holders use their tokens to decide for the next charity donation.

The Butter Token contract takes 2% of each contract and locks certain tokens into a liquidity pair, ensuring that they are both tradeable on PancakeSwap. You can learn more about Butter Token here. This new token has recently joined the FoodForLife organization’s initiative to stop global hunger.

Butter token is a token that works like a charity wallet allowing consumers to fund global hunger organizations like Food For Life Global. The purpose of the Butter token is to make it possible for people to contribute to charity in a fun way thus giving away tokens back to society.

So far, Butter Token has contributed enough cryptocurrency to help feed 50,000 people worldwide. Milk Token, the forerunner to Butter Token, is a redistribution token on the Binance Smart Chain that focuses on community-giving, encouraging token holders to fund inspirational charities such as FFLG. Milk holders will collect 2% on all Milk transactions, equal to their share of the overall production. You can also learn more details about these charity tokens here.


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