6 July 2021, Dublin, Ireland
The former European Commissioner for Trade, Phil Hogan, has joined the Astra protocol’s Advisory Board as an Executive Advisor. Astra protocol is a new legal layer that delivers unrivaled assurance to public blockchains.
Phil has had a long and illustrious political career. He brings a plethora of international trade and relations experience to the table. He was assigned by the President of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, with the delicate responsibility of ending the trade war with the United States while serving as the European Commissioner for Trade.
He was also in charge of negotiating business accords with China and obtaining significant trade agreements with Japan and the Mercosur countries in South America.
As Astra expands out its legal assurance layer to governments and corporate institutions around the world, Phil Hogan will give strategic assistance.
Phil Hogan stated of his decision to join the Astra advisory board: “Decentralised finance is becoming more popular around the world, but growth within major institutions has been hampered by a lack of sufficient legal protection. Astra is the world’s first long-term, scalable bridge to mainstream adoption of decentralized finance products in the real world. Applications such as the Astra protocol are the wave of the future, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”
To support the expansion of DeFi, the Astra protocol provides a decentralized assurance layer on public blockchains. It connects to an existing DeFi infrastructure to verify that money are delivered to the correct location.
The protocol inhibits the execution of unsecure or invalid smart contracts. If a transaction turns out to be a scam or money are sent to the wrong wallet address, Astra can quickly rectify the issue and recover the funds.
“We are extremely pleased to announce Phil Hogan joining our advisory board,” said Astra protocol’s Chief Innovation Officer Sakhib Waseem. “His well-known experience in international relations, most notably as EU Commissioner of Trade, adds immeasurable value to our position, as we continue to bring further partnerships across the globe, supporting our mission to drive trust, assurance, and growth.”
Astra’s Background
For public blockchains, Astra is a novel legal assurance layer. Its goal is to make public blockchains safe for all users by eliminating fraud, removing doubts, and resolving disputes quickly. Astra enables governments, institutions, and individuals to transact on smart contract networks such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Cardano, and others with trust and confidence.
Please email astra@theproofoftrust.com with any media inquiries.
Visit https://astraprotocol.com/ for more information. Adam Ali may be reached at info@theproofoftrust.com./nRead More