The Million Doge Disco has begun, and partygoers will get over one million DOGE.
One of the event’s co-founders is the half-brother of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, while the other is a DOGE millionaire.
Do you want to be a part of one of the most entertaining cryptocurrency-themed events around? Do you want to have a virtual pet with whom you can have fun? Would you like to earn some DOGE while you’re at it? Then the Million Doge Disco is just what you’re looking for.
What is Million Doge Disco, exactly?
The conference is one of the most forward-thinking in the crypto world. It’s “a Pokemon GO-style augmented reality smartphone game that allows players to earn exclusive, interactive non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and Dogecoin,” according to the organizers.
The Million Doge Disco, on the other hand, is much more than a mobile game. The metaverse is a Doge-fueled party. “A new Party layer that will sit atop reality, allowing anybody, anywhere to instantaneously jump into a parallel universe that is alive with sound, light, and happy vibes – converting the entire globe into a dance floor,” says Gary Lachanche, one of the founders.
Lachanche is the creator of Decentralized Dance Party, a Canadian cryptocurrency investor. He made his first investment in Dogecoin in 2014, when it was only worth $300. His investment is now worth roughly $250,000, thanks to DOGE’s phenomenal gain – 10,000 percent in the last year alone. It even surpassed $1 million during the DOGE rally a few months ago.
In an IPO filing, Robinhood warns that the popularity of DOGE may have an impact on revenue.
From his money, Lachanche will give away 1 million Doge.
We’ll also provide a ‘Proof of Partying’ mechanism that encourages everyone, everywhere to dance with their Doges in order to get Dogecoin donations from the community, he said. We aim to revive the gifting culture that characterized the Dogecoin community in the early days of cryptocurrency.
The brother of the Canadian Prime Minister is implicated.
The Million Doge Disco was established by Lachanche. He did, however, team up with BLOCKv, a platform for developing highly programmable and interactive NFTs. He also teamed up with Kyle Kemper, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s half-brother.
Kemper stated in an interview that he is not interested in making money from the venture. Rather, he feels that this gathering can help to promote global peace. The fact that the celebration began on July 3rd and ends on September 21st, which is International Peace Day, exemplifies this.
Dogecoin, the now-famous memecoin, is a great fan of Kemper. He told Decrypt, “I genuinely believe in the strength of this community and the fact that it’s based on joy and memetic behavior.”
It isn’t as tribal as some of the other coins, and it hasn’t always been about making money. It’s all about giving gifts and having a good time.