CovidDog or ‘cDOG’, as their token is named, looks like the new puppy on the Crypto block. They’re a start-up whose birthday was just a few weeks ago.

Already saving up over $6000 in “crypto tax” they’ve just made their first significant donation to a major Dog Charity in the United Kingdom – Dogs On The Streets.

CovidDog is a Charity based Cryptocurrency that has auto yield generating properties & an auto charity function. In non-crypto terms, this means that cDOG taxes every transaction using their cryptocurrency token by 2%. Within this tax, 1% is then distributed back to holders of their token (generating a passive income for everyone) and the other 1% goes into their charity wallet which is then used to donate to worthy causes around the World.

For those of you who love the math of cryptocurrency, here are some figures about CovidDog: Just a few days old, cDOG has surpassed a market cap of $217,000, it has a little over 1,500 community members in their Telegram group, 1,800 followers on Twitter & 1,500 holders of their token.

About dog’s on the streets

A Multi-Award Winning Charity which is a volunteer run, not-for-profit charity dedicated to the welfare of dogs belonging to the UK’s homeless community.

Just like a lot of Charities, during the Covid-19 pandemic, DOTS have struggled to raise donations as they’ve had to stop all in-person contact with regular donors. On top of this, there has been a serious shortage of PPE for vets due to charities not being made a priority during the pandemic, so all money raised has a much wider spectrum of benefits than usual.

DOTS main goal is to help dogs who are living alongside the homeless on our streets, helping feed, look after and generally give them some extra loving.

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