JEMPOL (July 6): -A +A The Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda) will continue to play a key role in ensuring the success of the National Covid-19 Immunization Program (PICK), which involves smallholders across the country.
One of the agency’s key responsibilities, according to its chairman, Datuk Mohd Salim Mohd Sharif, is to improve the proportion of vaccine registration and vaccination among smallholders, as well as to give weekly Risda PICK progress updates to the Ministry of Rural Development.
“Another is the opening of special counters at all Risda premises to assist smallholders in registering and checking via the MySejahtera application. “(Its other roles include) providing Risda vehicles to transport smallholders to vaccination centres (PPV) and collaborating with the Covid-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Special Committee, health offices, district offices, and Members of the Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Special Committee, health offices, district offices, and Members of the
After visiting the Serting State Assembly mobile PPV, where he was joined by Serting assemblyman Datuk Shamshulkahar Mohd Deli and Risda director-general Abdullah Zainal, he informed reporters.
According to Mohd Salim, 56 percent of Negeri Sembilan’s 41,000 smallholders have been vaccinated thus far.

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Khairy Jamaluddin, the PICK’s coordinating minister, has sent a message.

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