Mom utilizes a brilliant metaphor to illustrate why she gets more credit for having a child in The Know. On TikTok, Stacey Reece finds “humor in parenthood and marriage.” In February, Reece became viral thanks to a witty remark she gave to her husband. “When someone compliments our child, I tell them, ‘Thank you, I made her myself!'” she explained. “‘Uh, don’t you mean we made her?’ he usually says. Nope! ‘And here’s why.’ “You just supplied me with a necessary element for my recipe. I took care of everything else “explained the mother. “I don’t go about proclaiming “Me and Walmart baked chocolate chip cookies” just because I acquire chocolate chips from Walmart while I’m baking cookies. On TikTok, the mother’s witty reaction has received over 2 million views. “Finally, someone says what I’ve been trying to express for a long time,” one individual commented. “Only one element was provided by him. Award for participation, “another has been added. A user said, “He virtually put his name on a group project, and you performed all the work.”/nRead More