MUMBAI: A resident grievance officer has been appointed by Twitter Inc’s India branch, days after the company designated a chief compliance officer, to comply with new IT standards in the nation, amid government tensions. The website is a good place to start. On Sunday, the U.S. social media business revealed Vinay Prakash as the new grievance officer, along with his contact information and methods for users to report alleged rule and term infractions.
Twitter told an Indian court on Thursday that it will appoint an interim grievance officer to enforce the new guidelines. It further stated that a final appointment for the role would be made in eight weeks. The IT laws, which went into effect at the end of May, are aimed at regulating social media material and requiring companies to respond more quickly to legal requests to remove posts and share information about message originators. However, governmental monitoring of Twitter, as well as other companies like WhatsApp and Amazon, has heightened tensions between US internet companies and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, disrupting business in a vital growing area. (Abhirup Roy and Sankalp Phartiyal contributed reporting; Jacqueline Wong edited the piece.)/nRead More