Weaker lira fad has resumed after a change away from orthodox policy configurations as the USD/TRY pair climbed from 8.2472 into 8.2747 through April. Economists in MUFG Bank anticipate the Turkish lira to place new album lows in the year ahead.

Notice: USD/TRY place to break into a new high after in the present quarter – Credit Suisse

“Renewed lira weakness has significantly improved upside risks to the inflation prognosis , and ought to make the CBRT careful over turning rate climbs at the present juncture. When the chance arises, the CBRT is very likely to reduce prices sooner than under the former direction.”

“Inflation remains expected to ease from the second half of the year developing a window for speed reductions. We’ve been pencilling in no less than a change of the past 200bps rate hike that could begin once this quarter”

“we don’t anticipate recent lira stability to continue and expect it to drop into new record highs in the year ahead.”
